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Writer's pictureFrederick L Shelton

How to Battle COVID Physically, Mentally & Spiritually - and Succeed in the Process

How will you get by or even get better after COVID?

Here's how:


"If you have the means & ability, and don't make the conscience choice to give to others, you're life is meaningless."

If you have something of value you can give away, now’s the time. A lot of people will be focused on one thing: How can I get rich off this. Such people are common, quickly forgotten or remembered negatively and in the end, as meaningless as their third luxury car.

Be different.

Become a Karmic Event. You may be rewarded by the Universe, by God and even by the Law of Unintended Consequences.

A LOT of people are going to be permanently and adversely affected by this. We’ve started training people who were hospitality (which will be crushed) and retail (which will also be crushed) recruiters, how to become legal recruiters. Within a week of making the decision to give our methodology away, we closed the biggest deal in our firm’s history. In April of 2020. I’ve had people tell me they learned more in a couple calls with me, than from any course or source they’ve ever seen. I give them hope and they give my life a sense of meaning and purpose.

If you have the means & ability, and don't make the conscience choice to give to others, you're life is meaningless.


"This is not the time to wait and see what happens."

If you can't work, LEARN! Especially if you’re field or profession is on the Endangered Species List. Professions such as real estate, retail, automotive, airlines and entertainment are going to take a beating.

It's time to evaluate your position. Are you so well established, connected and branded, that when the market crashes, you’ll be one of the few who make it?

This is NOT the time to wait and see what happens. This is the time to be proactive. If you can't act right away, plan or begin thinking about what your next move should be.

What else could you do? Could you pivot within your current profession to adapt and thrive in a down market? For example, a real estate agent should immediately rebrand themselves as a Buyer’s Agent. Put posts, impressions, articles etc. that all point to one thing: You take care of elite, qualified buyers. Because it will indeed, be a buyer’s market.

Another example would be entertainers. A-Listers already have money and excepting those who mishandle wealth, they will be fine. But B and C-listers will need to learn how to adapt to a new audience and venue. If I were a local entertainer, I would spend every minute I could, learning about Social Media Marketing & Branding - and really, that would be helpful to any professional.

“One Million Followers” by Brandon Kane tells how he went from zero to 1,000,000 followers on Face Book – in a month. That would be a good place for anyone, in any profession to start.

I’ve been a fanatic audio-bibliophile forever. In the last year, I've learned about everything from blockchain & fintech, to cybersecurity, to social media, to The Art of Happiness by the Dali Lama.


"Let your voice be the beacon of light in a time of darkness."

Think about the person you care about most. What would you say to inspire them, during these worrisome times? That is often what keeps me going. That's what Two Are One and One is None really means. One of you will always be weaker or in more pain or in need of help. This is your time to show people the best of what's inside you.

Think of what you can do to lift people emotionally, spiritually and mentally. Then do it.

Let your voice be the beacon of light in a time of darkness. Write posts and articles. Make videos. Mentor someone. Do all of the above. People need you right now. Be there for them.


"Who knows, maybe a year from now, COVID will have made you a best-selling author!"

You now have the time to try something new. When I started doing yoga, it was probably the best thing I ever did for my arthritis ridden body. I feel better and more flexible than I have in a long time. I haven’t practiced martial arts in decades. I’m considering adding it to my regimen of yoga, weights and treadmill. Maybe I’ll replace my cardio on the treadmill with some katas or animal forms. I haven't done a painting in over a year. Now is definitely the time.

I have an idea for a book. If I weren’t so busy with work, mentoring etc. I would definitely take this time to start the outline etc. If you have the time, you should take a crack at it. Who knows, maybe a year from now, COVID will have made you a best-selling author!

Whatever you have always wanted to try or renew - Now is the time.


"During this crisis, you will be tempted to ignore your instincts, due to your yearning to break the monotony or find a miracle."

Bad thoughts and impulses are going to come. If you’re engaged in positive and healthy activities, they won’t occupy as much space in your mind.

When they do show up, don't act on them.

In life, the key to winning is often, just not making a Big Mistake. You know what I’m talking about.

If your mind or someone else tells you to do something really stupid or dangerous, your instincts will often tell you "This is a huge mistake". Listen to your instincts! During this crisis, you will be tempted to ignore your instincts, due to your yearning to break the monotony or find a miracle. If something seems too good to be true, don’t do it.

Trust your deeper self. Stay calm. Stay still. Take a breath and take a break.

Give. Learn. Inspire. Try New Things. Trust Your Instincts.

This is a mental game. You can get through this. We will get through this together.

Frederick Shelton


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